Full Spectrum Plant Growth Lamp

Buy Anything
3 min readJun 16, 2021


What is Grow Light Spectrum?

Grow light spectrum refers to the electromagnetic wavelengths of light produced by a light source to promote plant growth. For photosynthesis, plants use light in the PAR (photosynthetic active radiation) region of wavelengths (400nm-700nm) measured in nanometers (nm).

Nanometers are a universal unit of measurement but also used to measure spectrum of light — humans can only detect visible light spectrum wavelengths (380–740nm). Plants, on the other hand, detect wavelengths including our visible light and beyond, to include UV and Far Red spectrums.

It’s important to note light spectrums affect plant growth differently depending on things like environmental conditions, crop species, etc. Typically, chlorophyll, the molecule in plants responsible for converting light energy into chemical energy, absorbs most light in blue and red light spectrums for photosynthesis. Both red and blue light are found in the peaks of the PAR range.

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grow light spectrum chart — photosynthesis

The above chart shows the PAR range — the spectrum of light plants use for photosynthesis. Grow light spectrum charts like this include both the PAR range and other spectrums as it’s been discovered that wavelengths outside of the PAR range are also helpful for plant growth.

The peak of photosynthetic efficiency (light absorption) falls in the red light and blue light spectrums of the PAR range. Red radiation (around 700nm) is considered most efficient at driving photosynthesis — especially in the flowering stage for biomass growth (important to Cannabis growers). Blue light is essential for both the vegetative and flowering stages of plant growth, but mainly for establishing vegetative and structural growth.

What is the Ideal Grow Light Spectrum for Plants?

The ideal grow light spectrum for plants depends on several factors. These include how specific plants use PAR-spectrum light for photosynthesis but also the wavelengths outside of the 400–700nm range. This light can help accelerate flowering, increase nutrition, speed up rate of growth, etc. If the light source is sole (indoors) or supplementary (greenhouses) also affects which grow light spectrums should be used.

Generally, photosynthetic efficiency occurs at the red and blue peaks which means plants absorb these spectrums most when growing. You might think the ideal grow light spectrum is equal to sunlight — after all, it’s had millions of years of experience — however, it’s more detailed than this.

Sunlight produces a lot of greens, yellows, and oranges — they’re the most readily available spectrums of light. In fact, studies (3) tell us how green light, while not absorbed by chlorophyll as well as red and blue (hence why most plants appear green), it’s absolutely critical for photosynthesis.

Light spectrums outside of blue and red wavelengths are used least by plants to grow as reds and blues are where most photosynthetic activity occurs — a big reason why full-spectrum grow lights are incredibly efficient because a grower can get very specific.

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